What makes you beautiful

          What makes you beautiful
Your good behavior towards everyone.
Your smile without any reasons
And If you think " ego is the biggest enemy.
If you are helpful to everyone..
    Than yah you are the most beautiful person of the earth.
    Don't talk about outer look...
 Outerlook is just catching attraction thats it..
      But if you wanna see the real beauty of any person..
          Than see the things that i just mentioned /\/...
     If you found these good things in any person than ya.. he/she is beautiful.
         Nowdays i heard about many incident that...
       A girl fell in love with a boy's looks,they got close, than after she realizes he is  not perfact for her...cause only look was good..and there's no any other inner beauty of heart..
         So yah it's better to be alert and see the inner beauty of that person..
        Cause you don't know how beautiful you are..that's all things makes u beautiful.
                       " NITIN"
